Friday, September 23, 2016

आदर्श विद्यार्थी

अर्थ – ‘विद्यार्थी’ का अर्थ है --’ विद्या  प्राप्त करने वाला | ‘ किसी भी प्रकार की विद्या या कला या शास्त्र शीखने में लगा हुआ व्यक्ति विद्यार्थी है |

विद्यार्थी’ के गुण – विद्यार्थी का पहला और सबसे आवश्यक गुण है – जिज्ञासा | जिसे कुछ जानने की इच्छा ही न हो, उसे कुछ भी पढ़ाना व्यर्थ होता है | जिज्ञासा-शून्य छात्र उस औंधे घड़े के समान होता है जो बरसते जल में भी खाली रहता है |

लगन और परिश्रम – विद्यार्थी का दूसरा महत्वपूरण गुण है – परिश्रमी होना | परिश्रम के बल पर मंध्बुधि छात्र भी अच्छे-अच्छे बुद्धिमान छात्रों को पछाड़ देते हैं | इसलिए छात्र को परिश्रमी होना अवश्य होना चाहिए | जो परिश्रम की वजाय सुख-सुविधा, आराम और विलास में रूचि लेता है, वह दुर्भगा कभी सफल नहीं हो सकता |

सादा जीवन, उच्च विचार – विद्यार्थी के लिए आवश्यक है कि वह आधुनिक फैशनपरस्ती, फ़िल्मी दुनिया या अन्य रंगीन आकर्षणों से बचे | विद्यार्थी को इसे मित्रों के साथ संगति करनी चाहिए, जो उसी के समान शिक्षा का उच्च लक्ष्य लेकर चले हों |

श्रद्धावान एवं बिनयी – संस्कृत की एक शुक्ति का अर्थ है – श्रद्धावान को ही ज्ञान की प्राप्ति होती है | जिस छात्र के चित में अपने ज्ञानी होने का घमंड भरा रहता है, वह कभी गुरुओं की बात नहीं सुनता | जो छात्र अपने अध्यापकों तथा अपने से बुद्धिमान छात्रों का सम्मान नहीं करता, वह कभी फल-फूल नहीं सकता |

अनुशासनप्रिय – छात्र के लिए, अनुशासनप्रिय होना आवश्यक है | अनुशासन के बल पर ही छात्र अपने व्यस्त समय का सही सदुपयोग कर सकता है | मनचाही गति से चलने वाले छात्र अपना समय इधर-उधर व्यर्थ करते हैं, जबकि अनुशासित छात्र समय पर पड़ने के साथ-साथ हँस-खेल भी लेते हैं |  

स्वस्थ तथा बहुमुखी प्रतिभावान – आदर्श छात्र पढाई के साथ-साथ खेल-व्ययाम और अन्य गतिविधियों में भी बराबर रूचि लेता है | कहलों से उसका शरीर स्वस्थ बना रहता है | अन्य गतिविधियों-भाषण, नृत्य, संगीत, कविता-पाठ, एन.सी.सी. आदि में भाग लेने से उसका जीवन विकसित होता है |

उच्च लक्ष्य – आदर्श छात्र वाही है जो अपनी विद्या-बुद्धि का उपयोग अपने तथा अपने समाज के विकास के लिए करना चाहता हो | सुभाष चंद्र बोस कहा करते थे—‘’विदेयार्थियों का जीवन-लक्ष्य न केवल परीक्षा में उतीर्ण होना या स्वर्ण-पदक प्राप्त करना है अपितु देश-सेवा की क्षमता एवं योग्यता प्राप्त करना भी है |”

आदर्श नागरिक 

आदर्श नागरिक का अर्थ – ‘आदर्श नागरिक’ से तात्पर्य है – एसा देशवासी, जिसका व्यवहार देश के ; तथा देशवासिओं के हित में हो |

नागरिक तथा देश का अभिन्न संबंध – नागरिक और देश एक-दुसरे से पूरी तरह जुड़े हुए हैं | किसी देश के नागरिक ही उसका मान-सम्मान बढ़ाते या घटाते हैं | नागरिकों से ही देश की पहचान बनती है |

देश के नियमों और कानूनों का पालनकर्ता – आदर्श नागरिक वह है जो अपने देश के सभी नियमों-कानूनों का पूरी तरह पालन करने का तात्पर्य है, वह कानून को धोखा देने की कोशिश ण करे | कानून सभी नागरिकों की सामूहिक इछ्दा को दयां में रखते हुए बनाय जाते हैं | अतः नागरिकों को चाहिए कि वे अपने पर संयम रखते हुए उन नियमों का पूरी तरह पालन करें |

अधिकार और कर्तव्य का संतुलन – केवल कर्तव्य-पालन या केवल अधिकार-भोग-दोनों गलत हैं | कर्तव्य का पालन करने वाला नागरिक श्रेष्ठ होता है | परंतु अधिकारों के प्रति सजग होना भी उसकी खूबी है | नागरिकों को चाहिए कि वे देश से मिलने वाली सुविधाओं में नियमानुसार अपना हिस्सा माँगे | उन्हें राज्य से मिलने वाली सहायता, सड़क, बिजली, पानी आदि की मूल सुविधा-असुविदा के लिए अपनी आवाज़ उठानी चाहिए |

इतिहास उदाहरण है कि महात्मा गाँधी को महान बनाया इसी जागरूकता ने | यदि वे राज्य दुवाना किए गए अन्याय का विरोध न करते तो आज भारत आज़ाद न होता |

राज्य का गौरव बढ़ाने में योगदान – अच्छा नागरिक अपने गुण, धर्म, शक्ति, बुद्धि का निवास करके राज्य का गौरव बढ़ाता है | जहाँ दारासिंह जैसे पहलवान, खुराना जैसे वैज्ञानिक, रफ़ी जैसे गायक, ध्यानचंद जैसे खिलाड़ी, सुष्मिता जैसी सुन्दरियाँ, शंकुंतला देवी जैसी गणितज्ञ, लता जैसी प्रतिभाएँ, पी.टी. ऊषा जैसी धाविकाएँ, सचिन जैसे क्रिकेटर, अमिताभ जैसे अभिनेता, मेधा पाटेकर जैसे समाज-सेवी हों, उस देश का सम्मान अपने-आप बढ़ता है | अतः देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक को चाहिए कि वह अपनी शक्ति को उंचाइयों की और ले जाए जिससे पुरे देश का नाम ऊँचा हो |

The Deputy Commissioner,
District H.
     Subject : Opening a Dispensary.


I, on behalf of the city, request you to initiate steps to open a dispensary for the people living in the city. The people will be grateful to your if you kindly fulfill this long-felt need.

This city is situated in an area declared backward by the government. But with the establishment of many industrial units, its population has increased. The city has only one hospital where people go for their treatment. It is far away from the main city and in the case of emergency, patients cannot get immediate treatment. Besides this, it remains over crowded all the time with patients. The doctors practicing in the city are mostly unqualified. They know little of medical science. They charge a lot of money from the ignorant patients. Chemists seem to be in league with these quacks.

The city is old-fashioned and its sanitary condition is far from satisfactory. With every change of season one disease or the other breaks out and tells upon the health of the people unawares. An old woman from Vijay Nagar breathed her last on the way to the hospital a few days back. People have to go to other big cities for treatment. 

It is, therefore, requested that a civil dispensary with at least fifty beds may be provided. It is proposed that the building of the dispensary may be raised on a piece of land lying vacant near the 

Town Hall.
Yours faithfully, 
Gagandeep Singh.
August 25,20….


The Deputy Commissioner,
District K.

   Subject : Laying out a park of children.


I, on behalf of the people living in the city, request your to provide a park for the children of this city. I hope you will fulfill this long-felt demand.

It is an old town with changing conditions of life. New towns are coming up on new lines. This town remains old fashioned as it does not enjoy modern amenities of life. Children have no place to go to and so they keep playing in narrow city lanes and roads. This obstructs traffic and sometimes leads to accidents.

Childhood is said to be formative period in the life of a person. Children are the future citizens of the country. They should be allowed to develop both physically and mentally. It is, therefore, necessary that they get a proper climate and environment for their growth.

It is requested that a park for children may be provided. There is large piece of land lying vacant near the District Library. It can be acquired for the purpose. It will fulfill the need of the children of this city.

You will earn the gratitude of the people if early steps are taken for providing a park for children.

Yours faithfully,
Vanita Kapila.
August 20,20…

15-A Ajit Nagar,
A B C City,
July 27,2016
Dear Mr. Ram Lal,

I shall feel obliged if you are kindly attended to some urgent repairs to the house I am occupying. I was three years back that repairs were undertaken by you.

The house stands badly in need of repairs. The roof of the kitchen is in bad shape. In the rainy season, it leaks badly. It needs immediate repairs as the rainy reason is about to set in. it becomes difficult to work in the kitchen during a shower. The roof of the living room was damaged badly during the last year’s heavy rains. Even now when it rains, water trickles down the sides of the wall. It has already damaged our furniture in the room.

The whole house needs general repair. The bath room walls remain damp. The plaster has started coming off. Many electric fitting have gone loose. The water pipe is rusted and cracked as a result of which water glows out at many places. The whole house needs white-washing. The compound wall has developed cracks. The main gate produces a strange sound. Most of the window panes are broken at many places.

Kindly send your men to take up repair work. I hope you will do the needful at the earliest and oblige.

Yours truly,
X Y Z.

Examination Hall,
X Y Z City,
July 29, 2016
The Principle,
….. college,
X Y Z City.

I am a student of B.A. Part II class of your reputed college. I seek your permission to point out some shortcomings in the college canteen. These defects are not hard to remove. A little care on the part of the canteen contractor and the care taker of the college can set things right.

It is an old college which enjoys a good reputation. It is a pity that the college canteen has lost its pristine glory. It is housed in a stuffy and unsafe room. It remains full of smoke all the time. There is no arrangement for proper ventilation in the canteen.

The furniture placed in the canteen is not adequate. Most of the students have to keep standing while taking their refreshments. The crockery used in the canteen is second-rate and needs to be replaced by a good one. The canteen contractor takes things for granted. He is a man of easy morality. He sells stale things and charges high rates for eatables.  His preparations are sub-standard.

There is no proper discipline in the canteen. Students are allowed to sit on for hours even though they have taken their refreshments. They gossip endlessly and fling remarks on serious students. The service in the canteen is also poor. Water remains collected in the porch of the canteen.

I humbly request you to use your good offices and take up immediate steps for bringing about necessary changes in the college canteen.

I hope that you will look into the matter personally.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

Examination Hall,
X Y Z City,
July 29, 2016
The Principle,
….. college,
X Y Z City.
I am a student of B.A. Part II class of your esteemed college. I wish to point out certain drawbacks in the college library. These need your immediate attention. A visit to the college library. These need your immediate attention. A visit to the college library will reveal the exact position.
This college will be celebrating its silver jubilee next year. It is an old college with a first-rate reputation. It is pity that its library which was once the pride of the college should fall on bad days. The floor-matting is out of shape and the furniture placed in the library hall is old-fashioned and worn-out. The number of students is fairly large but the seating capacity is quite inadequate. The covered verandahs in the library building. Electric fans are old ones and they produce strange sounds.  

The library is under-staffed and the librarian and his assistants do not work under this very pretext. They are indifferent towards students in general. They listen to only those students who come of well- connected families or who enjoy the patronage of some prominent lecturers. Books issued in the name of lecturers are not returned for months together. The needy students suffer as they cannot afford to by costly books. In some cases, the pages of books are found torn out at places. Old magazines are not issued to students. There is no proper silence maintained in the library. The librarian fights shy of taking up such important matters with you.

It is, therefore, requested that some solid steps may kindly be taken to redress the grievances of the students.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently, 

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